About Us

Annelie is the heart and founder of eilenna. After detours via training as a media designer and studying design management and business communication, she found her calling: In 2018, she founded eilenna, a creative label that allows her to live out her joy of colors and her love of aesthetics.

Thomas is the other important part of eilenna and joined Annelie's side early on to support her. His craftsmanship and his pursuit of precision make eilenna's products gracefully beautiful and, above all, unique. Together they form an irreplaceable duo and have a significant impact on eilenna.

Janine is Annelie's sister and Thomas's long-time partner. She is the busy bee in the background and helps when help is needed. Together, as a family, they form the core team of eilenna.

By the way, if you read Annelie backwards, you get ........ This name not only represents the founder, but also the philosophy: to always explore new ways of thinking and to adopt unconventional perspectives in order to create something special. This is how unique products are created that bear her very own personal signature. Find out more on Instagram @eilenna.shop and become part of a journey where handcraft is celebrated.